1. The function of blood vessel is …
a. To responses stimuli
b. To transport hormone
c. To accept impulse
d. To send stimuli to effectors
2. Coordination system consist of …, …, and …
a. Neuron system, Synapses system, Reflect system
b. Proensefalon, Mesensefalon, Rombensefalon
c. Centre Neuron system, Periphery system, Somatic system
d. Nerve system, Sensory system, Endocrine system
3. The sensory system which can receive impulse from outside body is …
a. Eksteroresptor
b. Enteroreseptor
c. Dendrite
d. Acson
4. To receive impulse which come from lower acson nerve cell is the function of ..
a. Nodus Ranvier
b. Schwan Cell
c. Dendrite
d. Mielin Cover
5. To protect acson and give a nutrient is the function of …
a. Nodus Ranvier
b. Schwan Cell
c. Dendrite
d. Mielin Cover
6. Nerve cell divided into 3 groups, there are …, …, and …
a. Sensory Nerve System, Connect Nerve System, Motorist Nerve System
b. Sensory Nerve System, Connect Nerve System, Synapses Nerve System
c. Connect Nerve System, Motorist Nerve System, Synapses Nerve System
d. Centre Neuron system, Periphery system, Somatic system
7. The criteria of Sensory Nerve System is …
a. Has short dendrite and long acson
b. Has a same long dendrite and acson
c. Has a short acson and long dendrite
d. Has a same short dendrite and acson
8. Central Neuron System consist of … and …
a. Ensefalon, Medulla Spinalis
b. Durameter, Araknoid
c. Motorist Nerve System, Synapses Nerve System
d. Mesensefalon, Rombensefalon
9. Ensefalon composed of three layer, there are …, …, and …
a. Somatic, Cranial, Spinal
b. Durameter, Araknoid, Piameter
c. Proensefalon, Mesensefalon, Rombensefalon
d. Motoric, Sensory, Connected
10. Cerebrum composed of four lobus, there are …, …, …, and …
a. Sensory, Motorist, Association, Occipital
b. Right hemisphere, Left hemisphere, Frontal, Parietal
c. Frontal, Parietal, Occipital, Temporal
d. Hipofisis, Talamus, Hipotalamus, Mesensefalon
11. Mesesfelon cocnsist of 2 parts, there are … and …
a. Hipofisis, Hipotalamus
b. Talamus, Kolikus Inferior
c. Kolikus Superior, Kolikus Inferior
d. Hipofisis, Talamus
12. What nerve which is function to stimulate digestive organ work?
a. Simpatic Nerve
b. Spinal Nerve
c. Somatic Nerve
d. Parasimpatic Nerve
13. Parkinson caused by …
a. Physic Down
b. Nerve transmission is not work
c. Hereditary Disease
d. Broken of Bold Vessel in Ensefalon
14. If Somatrotof hormone produce minimum, it can cause …
a. Akromegali
b. Gigantisme
c. Dwarfisme
d. Stroke
15. The master of gland is …
a. Hipofisis gland
b. Hipotalamus gland
c. Episis gland
d. Tiroid gland
16. What’s function of LH (Luteinizing Hormone)?
a. To control milk gland
b. To control secretion of tiroksin hormone
c. To stimulate ovulation on ovarium
d. To control secretion in some hormone
17. The complex sensory sense is …
a. Eyes
b. Mouth
c. Ears
d. Nose
18. Retina consist of … bacillus cell
a. 122 million
b. 121 million
c. 120 million
d. 125 million
19. The center of eyes reflection in …
a. Ensefalon
b. Occipital
c. Temporal
d. Parietal
20. Pressure receptor is …
a. Mekanoreseptor
b. Proprioseptor
c. Eksteroresptor
d. Enteroreseptor
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. D
6. A
7. C
8. A
9. B
10. C
11. C
12. D
13. B
14. C
15. A
16. C
17. A
18. D
19. D
20. A
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